Where and How to Store your Stuff During a Remodel

When you are remodeling your home there are a lot of moving parts. Other than figuring out design choices, like what countertops to choose, you also need to figure out logistics. One of these logistics is where are you going to keep all your stuff? Storage during a remodel can be tricky since you want to keep your stuff out of the way while maintaining easy access to your items. Here are five temporary storage options that could help.

1. Rent a Storage Container

A portable storage container is a great solution because it’s like having your own storage unit in your driveway. This is a great solution for a remodel because it provides you with the ability to completely clear items out of your home while also maintaining the flexibility and convenience of having those items on hand when you need them.

Make sure that you do your research before picking a storage container. There are many different options that different companies provide. These options range in size, cost, and delivery options with size being the most valuable so don’t skimp on the size of the container.  Pick what makes the most sense for your living situation.

The amount of time you keep the portable storage container on your property is up to you. However, you may need permission from the homeowners association if you live in a condo or townhome. Also make sure you are following the rules and get the proper permissions from your town, city or village. Make sure you invest in a heavy-duty lock to protect your stuff since the portable storage company does not provide one.

2. Designate another room for storage

This option is great if you have another room in your home that you don’t use very often, for example, a guest bedroom or an empty corner of the basement. This is the most cost-effective option as long as you are not remodeling your entire space since you might not have enough space to spare. If you are having trouble giving up your extra space, just remember this is only temporary. Make sure you do leave your self space to move around in the space so don’t box yourself into space.

3. Hire Moving Labor

It can be very difficult to move heavy furniture or boxes even if it is just from your house to your driveway. Consider hiring a moving company to assist you with the move. Make sure you look at lots of different company, at least 3, and get quotes. Only work with a company that is licensed and insured.

4. Store things with Family or Friends

If you don’t have room to store your items, maybe you know someone else who does. Ask around and see if anyone has some extra space and are willing to store some items for you. Just make sure that you check timelines with them and clarify if they expect a certain pickup date for those items.

5. Use Self Storage

If you won’t need to access your items frequently or you can’t keep a portable storage container in your driveway, a traditional self-storage facility is a great option. You can also opt to just store your furniture in the facility and just keep smaller items in your home. If you can’t transport your things on your own to the facility, you can always rent a portable container and have the company pick it up and store it for you. They will just drop it right back off when you’re done with your remodel.

What you need to know before renovating a NYC Co-Op

Renovations are sometimes a must, no matter if you have only lived there for a year or if it has been a long time. However, by living in a Co-op there is a list of rules and regulations that you need to follow and that includes renovations. Here are some questions you need to ask and the information you need to know before starting.

Can I even renovate my NYC Co-Op?

The answer to this very important question lies in your property lease. Reread your lease and that should tell you the guidelines you need to follow. Every property has slightly different rules but here are some general alteration guidelines that are pretty standard for co-op association renovation approval.

Approval needed

  • Removing or adding walls – If you want to do any change to the layout of your unit will require approval. Even if the removal of the wall between your kitchen and living space seems simple, speak with your board before starting.
  • Electrical or plumbing updates – If your project involves any wires or pipes it will need the board’s approval. The more pipes or wires that are hidden under the floor or ceiling the harder it will to get approved.
  • Any Full Updates –  If you are trying to completely update a kitchen or bathroom be prepared for a lengthy approval process. You will need to provide every detail and may have a deadline to get it done. This deadline might come with heavy fines for you if your contractor misses the deadline.

No Approval needed

  • Painting – This normally doesn’t need approval but definitely before painting you should check with your building manager just to be sure.
  • Small Cosmetic Changes – Switching out small details like faucets or showerheads normally doesn’t need approval. But if your building is LEED certified, make sure the new fixtures meet the standard requirements.
  • Hanging Wall Art – Most people assume this is a small change but make sure you ask before you drill holes in the wall. Some Co-ops don’t allow you to drill any holes in the wall.

How to get approval?

Be aware that even though there aren’t that many steps to get approved it still might take some time. The first step is to contact your co-op’s managing agent. You don’t have to go to the board yet since the managing agent will be able to provide you with the updated list of building’s alteration agreement. Then if your alterations require approval, write a formal letter to the board outlining your proposed work. In this letter, you should inquire if consent is required and if there are any other details you need to provide. Some buildings require contractors to be licensed and insured and may have guidelines about what time of year renovations can occur.  You also may even have some fees associated with your project.

As long as you are following your buildings alteration policy then it should be approved. If the board wants anymore information make sure that you provide it as quickly as possible.

Renovation Tips

Speak about renovations before buying your co-op – By making sure that you understand what is allowed with renovations going in to buying your co-op then it will save you many questions later. Also if you are buying an older co-op and know that you will need to renovate, think about adding your renovation plans with your application.

Seek approval before doing anything – This is incredibly important. Even if you make not think you need approval, still speak to the building manager. This will save you a lot of trouble if you do end up needing approval.

Find the right contractor- Always hire a contractor. If you know your board will need to approve your renovations, having a contractor can help you come up with plans and the proper details to share with them.

Have a plan and a backup plan – Having multiple plans in case something goes wrong is very important. You can never predict how a renovation will go. It could be a minor or major issue so make sure that you have multiple different plans. Have less expensive options if your budget gets out or control or have lodging set up elsewhere in case you miss the deadline and you’re without a bathroom or kitchen for several days.


Essential Tips to Choose the Perfect Bathroom Tile

Are you nervous or overwhelmed with choosing a bathroom tile? I can understand why, since there are so many sizes, shapes, colors and designs to choose from. Luckily, there are a few tips that can narrow down your options and make your final selection a lot easier.

1.Think about size

Tile comes in a huge range of sizes in any store. The range from less than one inch-by-one inch to several feet-by-several feet. You may think large tiles doesn’t make sense in a smaller bathroom but they create fewer grout lines making the floor feel like more of a continuous surface. If the tiles are smaller like  mosaic tiles, require more grou and then more cleaning especially if they are in wet places like the shower.

2. Balance Different Tile Types

Most bathrooms use multiple types of tile to create a cohesive design. When you are selecting tiles it is highly recommended that you don’t choose no more than three different tiles. If not, too many tile types, colors, and sizes will seem overwhelming. If you only use one tile type there will be very little variety meanng that it needs an accent tile with a different size, finish, or color.

3. Opt for a Neutral Floor and Ceiling

If you decide on using a neutral floor color it will allow you to experiment more with accent colors on the walls. Having a neutral floor allows you to push your eye upwards to the color on the wall. Also by painting the cieling a neutral color it has the same effect.

4. Consider your Whole Color Pallette

Developing a color pallete is one of the hardest parts. A good starting point is to start with a neutral pallete and then find one tile that you love and then work around that tile. This tile could be a simple tile you use almost everywhere, or a more extravagant tile that you use more like an accent. By having one tile this will make it easier to pick out complimentary tiles as needed.

5. Don’t Neglect Texture

Bathrooms require frequent cleaning and smooth tiles may be easy to clean but can also be a slipping hazard if they are under feet. Because of this, it is better to put a slightly textured tile under your feet and a smooth tile on the wall. A textured tile can also feel good on your feet.

6. Pick Tiles that Share Dimension

It is helpful to choose tiles that share similar dimensions so that grout lines line up and so it is easier to install. A way of doing this is by making sure the dimensions are a ll multiples of each other. For exampl, using a 12 inch-by-12 inch floor tile, with a four inch-by-four inch wall tile and a one inch-by-one inch border tile.

7. Don’t Forget about the Grout

Grout is not only important to make sure the surface is water resistante but it’s color is also essential to your design. If you are using a darker tile, white grout lines will contrast sharply, while a grout with a similar tone will be more subtle and, if desired, can almost blend in with the rest of the tile. There is also a trend right now of using a very simple, neutral tiles, like a while subway tile, and then using a brightly colored, eye-catching grout in a fun color for an unexpected, playful touch.

home renovation nyc

Home Decor Trends in 2019

Interior design trends are always changing and it is nice to see what is new in the interior design world. Now that we are over halfway done in the year lets reflect back and see what trends have started to emerge for 2019.

Mushroom Lamps

In 2018 Mushroom or Dome lamps started to gain popularity again. This only escalated in 2019. This trend has only started gaining traction since major retailers have already been jumping on the bandwagon and vintage models like the Oluce Attolo lamp becoming harder to find.


In the past few years, interior design has been dominated by minimalist Scandinavian design. However, recently we have been heading back to the return to more maximalist tendencies. This doesn’t mean everyone will revert to traditional or classic designs but rather they will start acquiring items that are long-lasting and from different time periods and styles.

Mid-Century Italian

Even though the MidCentury style has started to lose popularity, MidCentury Italian has been gaining popularity. Italian designers introduced curved furniture, delicate lines, and bold colors to the American side of the movement.

Primary Hues

In 2018 the colors were deep jewel hues and there has been a full spectrum of different colors in past years. However now, interior designers are loving bold primary colors. These colors include bold rusty reds, deep indigo blues, and bright mustard yellows.

Plinth Tables

In the past few years, Scandinavian furniture with skinny legs and minimalist style has dominated furniture. Now the opposite extreme is happening and weighty low-slung pieces that can balance out more delicate furniture pieces are becoming popular. Plinth tables are a great example of this. These also match with the hype around colored marble and other stone finishes.

Rice Paper Lanterns

Isamu Noguchi has dominated interior design trends in the past with his iconic pieces like his infamous coffee table for Hermann Miller or his series of Akari lanterns and lamps. Now his rice paper lantern designs have been really popular and have trickled down to mass retailers. IKEA has released a few models after making them popular in the ’90s.

Bouclé Accents

The popularity of this fabric has partly come from Goop’s collection for CB2 and higher-end retailers like HomeNature. Bouclé provides texture and high style.