Decorating a Small NYC Apartment Kitchen

New York City apartment living: big on its style, small on its space. Whether you are living in a loft in SOHO or in an apartment in the East Village, cramped living spaces are the norm in NYC. Especially the kitchen.

We want to help you make the most out of every fabulous square inch you got. Even if you don’t have many! Here are a couple of tips to help jazz up your small NYC apartment kitchen.

Tip #1 Eye-Catching Backsplash


Want to give your NYC apartment some style? Add an eye-catching backsplash in your kitchen. In a small space, even a small portion of an eye-catching backsplash tile can add some drama and personality to your home. Personally, I like anything with a little bit of texture and sparkle.

Tip #2 Built-in Cabinets / Storage


This is a huge space saver and can be quite decorative. In a small kitchen, it is a really good idea to have a place for everything. Having a place for every item can cut down on the clutter. I recommend to get pull out shelves and appliance garages installed. These two things will keep the smallest NYC apartment organized and functional. Pull out drawers can house spices and can organize knives and silverware. Another thing that I love about pull out shelves is that you can hide items! When there is too much stuff displayed on your counter, it can either look messy or just simply be taking up way too much room.

You can also create storage by doing open shelving around your kitchen doorway. Put items like cutting boards, coffee cups, mixing bowls in the open slots. Something else you can with this space is,  add little decorations. Add some greenery,   like a small cactus or flowers. Or even some cooking books. This space is totally up to you. Use it for storing practical kitchen items or add some decorations to make it homier.

Tip #3 Glass Door Fronts

Some people don’t know that you can replace your cabinet doors with glass. Though this might be a little more of a pricer decision, it can really create the illusion of a more spacious kitchen. Also a trick with glass doors, it will keep you more organized since people can see through your cupboards.

Tip #4 Add Wall Stickers

Okay yes, this could be tacky but it could also be super artistic and fun. What a simple way to add your own personal touch. Wall stickers can be swapped out at any time. So say you want a marble background one month then you want roses another month. Just simply peel off one and stick on the other.

Tip #5 Rolling Cart


Bringing back the college days with a rolling cart? Well, these are perfect for small NYC apartment kitchens. Rolling storage carts are the perfect addition. You can add color and keep clutter out of sight by hanging a curtain from it.


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