Bathroom and Kitchen Renovations for the Fall

Now that we are starting to get into the fall season, many homeowners start to think about how they can improve their home. Fall is a great time to make updates and upgrades to your home. While it may be too late to expect to complete a major home addition or renovation project, there is definitely time before the end of the year to spruce up your home and make some key changes.


The time for barbequing and having dinner in the warm summer air is coming to an end. Fall is the time for many families to bring cooking back indoors. Here are a few ideas on what you can do if may not want to do a full kitchen remodel.

  • You can resurface, paint, or stain your cabinets instead of completely replacing them
  • You can also replace the hardware on your cabinets and drawers which can have a surprisingly transformative effect
  • Resurface or replace your worn or dated countertops add a fresh new feel to your kitchen
  • Put a fresh coat of paint on your walls and ceiling
  • Make your kitchen energy efficient by upgrading your appliances to energy-efficient ones
  •  Get your kitchen ready for all the cooking you’ll be doing this fall and winter by installing a new range hood and fan
  • Install a kitchen island you have always wanted so it’s easy to entertain guests

All these changes allow you to upgrade your kitchen little by little without having to do a complete remodel.


If you like having guests over, it might be time to take a look at your bathroom to see how you can make it a little nicer. Here are a few ideas to make the room a bit more presentable.

  • Repaint the walls and ceiling
  • Give your bathroom a deep clean by cleaning or scrubbing the tiles. You can do this by yourself or hire professionals.
  • Replace your vanity and mirror
  • Add a textured wall covering for a more inviting feel

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